We are committed to provide service 24 X 7

Cancellation & Refund Policy

Refund and cancellation policy is based on your use of our website www.himistri.com (the “Website”). The Website currently is referred to as the “Platform”.

If the Cancellation is done by the Customer then:

  1. In the event you provide incorrect particulars, contact number, delivery address etc., or that you were unresponsive, not reachable or unavailable for fulfilment of the services offered to you. In such event you shall be liable to pay the damages of an amount equivalent to the service value.
  2. As a general rule Customer shall not be entitled to cancel Order once placed. Customer may choose to cancel Order only within one-minute of the Order being placed. However, subject to Customer’s previous cancellation history, Himistri reserves the right to deny any refund to Customer pursuant to a cancellation initiated by Customer even if the same is within one-minute followed by suspension of account, as may be necessary in the sole discretion of Himistri. 
  3. If Customer cancels his/her Order after one minute of placing it, Himistri shall have a right to collect a penalty of 100% of the Order amount for breach of contract terms as a compensation for the damages suffered by Himistri, with a right to either not to refund the Order value in case Customer’s Order is prepaid to compensate the Partners travel fare.

If the Cancellation is done by the Himistri team then:

  1. Himistri reserves the right to collect a penalty for the Orders constrained to be cancelled by Himistri for reasons not attributable to Himistri, including but not limited to:
  2. In the event if the address provided by Customer is either wrong or falls outside the delivery zone;
  3. Failure to contact Customer by phone or email at the time of partners visiting the place.
  4. Unavailability of all the partners ordered by Customer at the time of booking the Order; or
  5. Unavailability of all the partners ordered by Customer at the time of booking the Order. However, in the unlikely event of a partner being unavailable, Himistri will contact the Customer over the phone number provided to us at the time of placing the Order and inform Customer of such unavailability. In such an event customer will be entitled to cancel the entire Order and shall be entitled to a refund to an amount up to 100% of the Order value.
  • In case of cancellations for the reasons attributable to Himistri or the Partners Unavailability, Himistri shall not collect any penalty from the Buyer.
  • All refunds shall be processed in the same manner as they are received, unless refunds have been provided to you in the form of credits/coupons, refund amount will reflect in your account based on respective banks policies.
  • Any complaint, with respect to the services which shall include delivery of the wrong service, poor quality, you will be required to share the proof of the same before any resolution can be provided.


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